Regulation of Body Temperature

Walter F. Boron MD, PhD , in Medical Physiology , 2017


Effect of Skin Temperature on the Response to Hypothalamic Drive

In the experiments on rabbits (meeteFigure 59-4), the investigators implanted water-perfused thermodes to control the temperature of thepreoptic surface area/inductive hypothalamus (POAH), shown on the x-centrality. Metabolic rate, shown on the y-centrality, was calculated from

, and the animals were placed in a temperature-controlled bedroom. Mean pare temperature (three dissimilar symbols) was also measured.eFigure 59-4 demonstrates how changes in ambient (skin) temperatures (Tskin) affects the POAH proceeds (the slope of a fitted line). This gain was determined by plotting the metabolic responses to cursory step changes in the POAH temperature away from its normal level of 39.2°C (vertical dashed line in the figure). The POAH gain is flattest at the warmest pare temperature (Tpeel = 34.3°C) and it is steepest at the coldest skin temperature (Tskin = 30.v°C). Information technology tin can also be seen that when hypothalamic tempera­ture is left undisturbed at its normal level of 39.2°C, the metabolic rate is at resting level (3.0 watt/kg) when Tskin is 34.3°C (i.eastward., with the bailiwick in a relatively warm room). On the other paw, when Tpare is thirty.5°C (i.e., with the subject in a cooler room), the metabolic rate rises to >6.0 watt/kg, due to the shivering thermogenesis induced by the low skin temperatures.

eFigure 59-4. Thermoeffector responses. These results are from experiments in rabbits

N59-vii in which the investigators implanted water-perfused thermodes to control the temperature of the preoptic/anterior hypothalamic surface area
N59-4 (x-centrality) at iii different skin temperatures (Tskin).

Thermoregulation: From Basic Neuroscience to Clinical Neurology, Part Two

Mike J. Price , Michelle Trbovich , in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2018

Mean peel temperature

Mean pare temperature values are oftentimes reported in studies of thermoregulation as the peel represents the interface betwixt the trunk and the environment. Similarly to estimates of core temperature, there are a number of methods for obtaining estimates of mean skin temperature.

Although mean skin temperature formulae are widely employed in interpreting the results obtained during thermoregulatory studies, they may not be applicable for examining the thermoregulatory responses of spinal cord-injured participants (Fix, 1984). The loss of sensory information below the level of spinal cord lesion (Rawson and Hardy, 1967) would issue in the calculation of mean peel temperature values which exercise not accurately represent the extent of peripheral influences on the thermoregulatory system. Furthermore, a single mean pare temperature value would likely non exist able to differentiate betwixt differences in upper- and lower-body thermal state such as those observed for persons with SCI during oestrus exposure at rest (Guttman et al., 1958) and during exercise (Gass et al., 1988; Hopman et al., 1993a; Dawson et al., 1994; Price and Campbell, 1997). Furthermore, due to the variation in thermoregulatory responses betwixt persons with different levels and types of SCI, particularly below the 10th thoracic vertebra (T10) (Normell, 1974; Burkett et al., 1988; Gass et al., 1988; Ishii et al., 1995), the assessment of individual pare temperature sites may be more appropriate for this population.

There are a number of factors, such equally regional differences in heat production and dissipation, which mean that in general skin temperature responses are far more variable than those of cadre temperature. Differing ambience temperatures for baseline measurement of skin temperature between studies may add to this variability. Withal, a number of key differences between skin temperatures of the able-bodied and those with SCI are apparent. For example, mean skin temperature (calculated using the formula of Ramanathan (1964)) at rest in neutral ambience temperatures (xx°C) for able-bodied and SCI groups have been reported to be similar (i.east., 31.7°C and 31.4°C, respectively; Price and Campbell, 1997) as those for persons with paraplegia and tetraplegia (29.5°C and°C, respectively; Griggs et al., 2015b). Even so, the thigh and calf skin temperatures of those with paraplegia were reported to be much lower (30.iii°C and 29.0°C, respectively; Price and Campbell, 1997) than for able-bodied individuals, whose data were similar to the mean weighted value (31.6°C and 31.7°C, respectively).

Figure 50.i demonstrates the difference between skin temperatures for a range of sites for persons with SCI and the athletic. The consistently warmer upper-body skin temperature sites for persons with paraplegia may reflect the habitual mode of locomotion, i.due east., the upper arms and chest. However, most credible are the cooler skin temperatures for the thigh and calf sites across studies, particularly the calf site. The greater difference for the calf site observed by Toll and Goosey-Tolfrey (2008) may be a result of seasonal differences (i.e., data recorded in the colder wintertime months), suggesting peripheral regions are more susceptible to environmental conditions.

Fig. 50.1

Fig. 50.1. Difference in peel temperatures between persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) and able-bodied persons (AB).

Information from studies as indicated in legend. AB, abdomen; BK, back; CA, calf; CH, chest; FA, forearm (Northward.B.: no information reported past Cost and Goosey-Tolfrey (2008)); FH, forehead; TH, thigh; UA, upper arm. (N.B.: Positive values represent warmer peel temperature values in persons with SCI and negative values represent cooler pare temperatures in those with SCI.)

Using digital infrared thermography rather than skin thermistors Song et al. (2015) observed similar anterior thigh and calf skin temperatures for athletic persons and those with low-level SCI (below the seventh thoracic vertebra), whereas in those persons with lesions to a higher place the sixth thoracic vertebra these temperatures were cooler (Fig. 50.ii). Thus, hateful pare temperature values mask regional differences in skin temperature (Price, 2006), a cistron which should be considered in the assay of pare temperature information.

Fig. 50.2

Fig. l.2. Lower-trunk skin temperatures for athletic persons (command) and persons with high-level spinal cord injury (SCI) (above T6; upper SCI, predominantly cervical injury) and low-level SCI (beneath T7; lower SCI).

(Information taken Song YG, Won YH, Park SH, et al. (2015) Changes in trunk temperature in incomplete spinal cord injury past digital infrared thermographic imaging, Ann Rehabil Med 39: 696–704.)

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Torso Temperature Regulation and Fever

John E. Hall PhD , in Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology , 2021

Skin Temperature Tin can Slightly Alter the Gear up Indicate for Cadre Temperature Control

The critical temperature set point in the hypothalamus higher up which sweating begins and beneath which shivering begins is determined mainly past the degree of activity of the heat temperature receptors in the inductive hypothalamic-preoptic surface area. However, temperature signals from the peripheral areas of the body, especially from the pare and certain deep trunk tissues (e.chiliad., spinal string and abdominal viscera), also contribute slightly to body temperature regulation past altering the ready bespeak of the hypothalamic temperature control middle. This outcome is shown inFigures 74-viii and 74-9 .

Figure 74-8 demonstrates the effect of different skin temperatures on the set signal for sweating, showing that the set point increases as skin temperature decreases. Thus, for the person represented in this figure, the hypothalamic set point increased from°C when the pare temperature was higher than 33°C to a set point of 37.4°C when the pare temperature had fallen to 29°C. Therefore, when the skin temperature was high, sweating began at a lower hypothalamic temperature than when the skin temperature was depression. One tin can readily understand the value of such a organization because information technology is important that sweating be inhibited when the skin temperature is low; otherwise, the combined effect of low skin temperature and sweating could crusade far too much loss of body heat.

A like event occurs in shivering, every bit shown inEffigy 74-9. That is, when the skin becomes common cold, information technology drives the hypothalamic centers to the shivering threshold even when the hypothalamic temperature is still on the hot side of normal. Here again, one tin understand the value of the control arrangement because a cold skin temperature would before long lead to a securely depressed body temperature unless oestrus production were increased. Thus, a cold skin temperature really "anticipates" a autumn in internal body temperature and prevents it.

Thermoregulation: From Basic Neuroscience to Clinical Neurology Office I

Michael A. Francisco , Christopher T. Minson , in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2018

Whole-torso heating and peel temperature

It has been shown that skin temperature affects the internal temperature equilibrium indicate for active vasodilation and sweating ( Benzinger, 1969; Johnson and Park, 1979; Pérgola et al., 1994, 1996). That is, at high skin temperatures, there is a leftward shift (Fig. 12.7) in the equilibrium point of CAVD resulting in an earlier onset of sweating and active vasodilation, besides as a greater level of skin blood menstruum and sweating at any internal temperature in a higher place the equilibrium point (Johnson and Park, 1979; Pérgola et al., 1994, 1996). The independent study of skin temperature and internal temperature on CAVD has been hard because raising internal temperature typically involves raising skin temperature or activation of other reflex responses, such as those serving to maintain claret pressure level during exercise.

Fig. 12.7

Fig. 12.7. A schematic showing the relationship between pare blood flow and internal temperature too as the internal temperature equilibrium indicate for active vasodilation. Factors that can shift the human relationship left and right are listed. Some of these factors tin can also touch on the gain of the response, as discussed in more particular in the text.

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Properties of the Vasculature

Bruce M. Koeppen MD, PhD , in Berne and Levy Physiology , 2018

The Role of Temperature in the Regulation of Pare Claret Flow

The main part of the pare is to maintain a constant internal environment and protect the body from adverse changes. Ambient temperature is i of the most important external variables with which the body must fence. Exposure to cold elicits a generalized cutaneous vasoconstriction that is specially pronounced in the hands and feet. This response is chiefly mediated past the nervous system. Arrest of the circulation to a hand past a force per unit area gage plus immersion of that hand in cold water induces vasoconstriction in the skin of the other extremities that are exposed to room temperature. When the circulation to the chilled hand is not occluded, the reflex-generalized vasoconstriction is caused in part by the cooled blood that returns to the general circulation. This returned blood then stimulates the temperature-regulating middle in the anterior hypothalamus, which then activates rut preservation centers in the posterior hypothalamus to evoke cutaneous vasoconstriction.

The skin vessels of the cooled hand besides respond straight to common cold. Moderate cooling or a brief exposure to severe cold (0°C to 15°C) constricts the resistance and capacitance vessels, including the AV anastomoses. Prolonged exposure to astringent cold evokes a secondary vasodilator response. Prompt vasoconstriction and severe hurting are elicited past immersion of the hand in ice water. However, this response is shortly followed past dilation of the skin vessels, with reddening of the immersed office and alleviation of the hurting. With continued immersion of the mitt, alternating periods of constriction and dilation occur, simply the peel temperature rarely drops as much as information technology did in response to the initial vasoconstriction. Prolonged astringent cold, of class, damages tissue. The rosy faces of people exposed to a cold environment are examples of cold-induced vasodilation. Still, blood flow through the pare of the confront may be greatly reduced despite the flushed advent. The red color of the slowly flowing claret is mainly caused by reduced O ii uptake by the common cold skin and the cold-induced shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left (seeAffiliate 23).

Direct application of rut to the skin not only dilates the local resistance and capacitance vessels and the AV anastomoses but also reflexively dilates blood vessels in other parts of the trunk. The local outcome is independent of the vascular nerve supply, whereas the reflex vasodilation is a combined response to stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus by the returning warmed blood and stimulation of cutaneous oestrus receptors in the heated regions of the peel.

The close proximity of the major arteries and veins allows countercurrent heat commutation between them. Common cold blood that flows in veins from a cooled hand toward the heart takes up heat from side by side arteries; this warms the venous claret and cools the arterial blood. Heat substitution takes place in the opposite direction when the extremity is exposed to heat. Thus heat conservation is enhanced during exposure of extremities to cold environments, and heat conservation is minimized during exposure of the extremities to warm environments.

Thermoregulation: From Bones Neuroscience to Clinical Neurology Office I

Bart H.West. Te Lindert , Eus J.W. Van Someren , in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2018


A circadian modulation of skin temperature regulation has been observed in thermally challenging conditions. During the night, humans show less cold-induced peripheral vasoconstriction: this seems to start only if cadre temperature falls beneath 36.0°C ( Tayefeh et al., 1998; Ozaki et al., 2001). In the early morning, cold-induced vasoconstriction is restored and may even show its diurnal maximal response (Hildebrandt, 1974).

A cyclic modulation of skin temperature has also been observed in several studies in thermal neutral conditions, which do non activate thermoregulatory defence mechanisms like shivering or sweating. Both in laboratory animals and in humans, nigh of the well-known diurnal rhythm in core torso temperature is determined by a diurnal rhythm in peel vasodilation and the consequent skin temperature increase and heat loss, and much less by the diurnal rhythm in heat production (Marotte and Timbal, 1982b; Immature and Dawson, 1982; Fuller et al., 1985; Gordon, 1990; Refinetti and Menaker, 1992; Kräuchi and Wirz-Justice, 1994). The circadian modulation of resting-state metabolic heat production in young adult humans is only almost 17% (Kräuchi and Wirz-Justice, 1994). Nether well-controlled laboratory conditions when people are kept awake, the circadian rhythm in distal pare temperature, i.e., the anxiety, hands, and ears, shows a strong aamplitude that is out of phase with the rhythm in cadre temperature: low during the mean solar day and high at nighttime (Kräuchi and Wirz-Justice, 1994). Under those weather, the circadian blueprint of proximal skin temperature has a smaller aamplitude and varies in phase with core temperature: loftier during the 24-hour interval and depression at night. The profiles are shown in Figure 21.2.

Fig. 21.2

Fig. 21.ii. Smoothed average man temperature curves, equally measured under abiding routine atmospheric condition for core (upper curve), proximal skin (2nd curve), and distal pare (lower curve) areas. Note the nocturnal increment in distal skin temperature, but not proximal skin temperature. The latter is in contrast to the habitual nocturnal increase in proximal peel temperature under natural sleeping weather in a microclimate of 34–36°C, as shown in Figure 21.3.

(Adapted from Kräuchi Thousand, Wirz-Justice A (1994) Circadian rhythm of heat production, heart rate, and skin and core temperature under unmasking conditions in men. Am J Physiol 267: R819–R829, who kindly prodived the data. The figure has been presented earlier in Van Someren (2006).)

However, when sleep is usually allowed, both proximal and distal temperature reach values that are significantly higher than values seen during wakefulness (Marotte and Timbal, 1982a, b; Kräuchi et al., 1997a) (Fig. 21.3). Information technology is important to annotation that the diurnal rhythm in skin temperature is non merely a matter of autonomic thermoregulation, but is also strongly supported past behavioral thermoregulation. People use bedding to create a sleeping microclimate of about 34°C (Vokac and Hjeltnes, 1981; Muzet et al., 1984), which is much higher than the usual daytime temperature and even higher than thermoneutrality (± 29°C). This finding is important because information technology suggests that behavioral thermoregulation aims at heat preservation during sleep, rather than the heat loss that is suggested by the autonomic-regulated increased skin claret flow. It has been noted that increased skin blood flow does non necessarily accept to exist interpreted every bit an attempt to lose estrus; it could also serve to maintain the peel in its role as a main barrier in host defense (Van Someren, 2006).

Fig. 21.3

Fig. 21.three. Case of the profiles of core body temperature (grey line), hateful proximal (thick black line), and mean distal (thin black line) temperature during 3 days nether natural living conditions in a single case. For all temperature curves, outliers surpassing 1 interquartile distance from the Q25 or Q75 for either level or rate of change were excluded, after which missing data were linearly interpolated. Also shown are the fourth dimension spent in bed (greyness area) and activity level (blackness columns, arbitrary units from simultaneous actigraphic recording). Note that the marked and simultaneous nocturnal height of both proximal and distal temperature during the time in bed never occurs during wakefulness. During the sleep menses, proximal and distal skin temperature differ minimally and are both above 35°C. During wakefulness, proximal and distal skin temperature differ about of the time and do not exceed 33°C for whatsoever prolonged period of time.

(Adapted from van Marken Lichtenbelt WD, Daanen HAM, Wouters 50, et al. (2006) Evaluation of wireless decision of skin temperature using iButtons. Physiol Behav 88: 489–497, and presented before in Van Someren (2006).)

In summary, beast and human studies suggest increased pare temperature during the stage of the diurnal bike when most sleep occurs. With respect to the functional neuroanatomy underlying the cyclic rhythm in peel temperature, information technology has been shown that projections of the suprachiasmatic nucleus to the hypothalamic subparaventricular zone mediate the circadian modulation of thermoregulation (Lu et al., 2001). In addition, a multisynaptic projection to the pineal is of import for the circadian modulation of skin temperature. Because the suprachiasmatic nucleus output to the pineal is diurnally modulated, melatonin is merely secreted during the night. In humans, circulating melatonin results in a very strong peripheral vasodilation. This heat loss-promoting property of melatonin has been estimated to even business relationship for 40% of the aamplitude of the circadian rhythm in core temperature. The potent effect of melatonin on skin blood menstruation may deed both through melatonin receptors in the preoptic area / anterior hypothalamus (POAH) and receptors in the vasculature endothelium (Krause and Dubocovich, 1990; Viswanathan et al., 1990, 1993; Urata et al., 1999; Aoki et al., 2006, 2008).

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Age-Related Changes in Thermoreception and Thermoregulation

Eus J.W. Van Someren , in Handbook of the Biological science of Aging (Seventh Edition), 2011

Peripheral Blood Period

An increment in core or skin temperature induces peripheral vasodilation. Cutaneous vasodilation results in increased skin blood menstruum, which promotes three heat-loss-enhancing mechanisms. Beginning, heat is convected from the internal organs and working muscles to the skin. 2d, the resulting increase in peel temperature promotes dry heat loss past convection and radiation to the (cooler) environment. Third, the increase in pare temperature besides elevates the pare-to-ambience vapor pressure gradient, which promotes sweat evaporation. At neutral (24–25°C) ambient temperatures, with a core temperature of about 37°C and a skin temperature of about 34°C, the human core temperature is mainly controlled through alterations in pare blood flow and less so by changes in metabolism or evaporative heat loss (cf. Brooks et al., 1997). If rut loss is required, the total perfusion of the peel with warm claret may increase from ≈0.2–0.five to 7–8   L/min, resulting in an upwardly to eightfold increase in the transfer of heat from the core to the skin (cf. Guyton, 1991). Such elevated skin claret flow can take every bit much equally half of the cardiac output and requires a redistribution of blood menstruation from other circulations, the splanchnic and renal circulations in item (Kenney, 2001).

In the extremities—i.east., the palmar and plantar sides of mitt and foot, respectively, as well as the blast bed, elbows, lips, cheeks, ears, and olfactory organ—this huge increase in skin claret period is achieved more often than not by the opening of arteriovenous anastomoses, which are shunts between the arteries and the venous plexus. Arteriovenous anastomoses are sympathetically innervated, and both cholinergic and noradrenergic terminals have been found, besides as α-adrenoreceptors (cf. Daanen, 1996).

At balance and in thermoneutrality skin blood menstruum is controlled by the sympathetic vasoconstrictor system. During warming of the skin, not but a release of the tonic adrenergic vasoconstrictor tone but also an active vasodilator arrangement is activated, accounting for up to 80 to 95% of the increase in peripheral blood flow (cf. Brooks et al., 1997). The neurotransmission mechanism of active vasodilation is not fully understood and may exist related to sympathetic sudomotor activeness, although acetylcholine is not implicated (Kellogg et al., 1989). It has also been suggested that parasympathetic cholinergic innervation of the vessels induces a sequence of steps leading to nitric oxide release, which relaxes the vascular smooth muscles (McCann et al., 1998).

For vasomotor control, three regions can exist distinguished: (1) the extremities, (ii) the torso and proximal limbs, and (3) the face (cf. Hensel, 1981). Modulation of the sympathetic constriction is strongly nowadays in the extremities. Active vasodilation may play a more than prominent function in the trunk and proximal limbs. On the forehead at that place is picayune vasoconstrictive response to cooling, but a vasodilation in response to warming does occur.

Historic period-related changes in peripheral blood flow: elderly people consistently show a lower peel blood flow at any core temperature in three experimental conditions: (i) passive whole-body heating, (2) exercise-induced torso heating, and (3) local skin heating (cf. Ho et al., 1997; Kenney, 1988; Kenney & Ho, 1995; Kenney et al., 1990; Minson & Kenney, 1997; Minson et al., 1998). An example is shown in Effigy 22.4. First, in old age, the threshold for vasodilation with heating is increased (cf. Collins & Exton-Smith, 1983), which is secondary to poor fitness: no increase in threshold is constitute when fit elderly subjects are compared to fit immature subjects (Kenney, 2001). Indeed, regular aerobic exercise in the long term results in a lower core temperature threshold needed to induce the onset of vasodilation (Ho et al., 1997; Thomas et al., 1999). Second, the gain, i.e., the slope of blood flow increment versus core or skin temperature increase, decreases with historic period (Kenney, 2001; Tochihara, 2000). Third, the maximal skin blood flow declines with age and cannot fully be attributed to changes in fitness level (Havenith et al., 1995; Kenney, 2001; Martin et al., 1995; Rooke et al., 1994).

Figure 22.iv. Prolonged heating of the pare at 42°C elicits maximal pare blood menstruum in the heated area. The skin temperature of the left forearm was uniformly clamped at 42°C by spraying a fine mist of water over the surface. Maximal forearm skin vascular conductance is shown as a office of age in 100 salubrious subjects ranging in age from 5 to 85 years. Each filled circle represents the maximal vascular conductance for an private subject. Maximal forearm skin conductance (minimal resistance) decreases adequately linearly across this large age span (from Kenney, 2001, based on data from Martin and colleagues, 1995, used by permission).

Multiple mechanisms contribute to the age-related reduction in vasodilatory capacity. Structural changes in the cutaneous vasculature may limit vessel wall expansion (cf. Collins & Exton-Smith, 1983; Kennaway, 1994; Kenney, 2001; Kenney, 1988; Montagna & Carlisle, 1979). Evans and colleagues (1993) suggested that thermally induced cutaneous blood flow is reduced in older persons at nutritive capillary sites, but not at arteriovenous anastomosis-rich sites. An increased sympathetic (noradrenergic) vasoconstrictor tone is unlikely, and rather a macerated sensitivity of the agile vasodilator system may occur (Kenney et al., 1997). A decrease in cardiac output and in the redistribution of the circulation from the splanchnic and renal flows to the pare may contribute also, the former more than and so in the unfit elderly (Ho et al., 1997; Minson et al., 1998).

In addition to fettle, 2 other secondary historic period-related factors may be involved in the decreased vasodilatory chapters. Beginning, dehydration, which often occurs in the elderly, lowers skin blood flow (cf. Havenith, 2001; Kenney et al., 1990). Second, much like exercise, regular exposure to farthermost ambient temperature, i.eastward., heat or cold, lowers the threshold of core temperature needed to induce the onset of increased peel blood flow (Hensel, 1981). Those living in homes for the elderly may seldom feel such exposures.

In summary, vasodilatory capacity decreases with historic period considering of multiple primary and secondary mechanisms.

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Menopausal Hot Flashes

ROBERT R. FREEDMAN , in Menopause, 2000

1. Pare TEMPERATURE AND Blood Menstruation

Peripheral vasodilation, equally evidenced by increased skin temperature, occurs during hot flashes in all body areas that have been measured ( Fig. one) [12]. These areas include the fingers, toes, cheek, forehead, forearm, upper arm, chest, ab-domen, back, calf, and thigh [12–15]. Finger claret period [14], and hand, calf, and forearm blood period [16] too increaseduring hot flashes. Thermographic measurements during hot flashes yielded information similar to those obtained with pare temperature [17].

FIGURE i. Peripheral physiological events of the hot flash.

Data from Freedman [12]. Drawing by Jeri Pajor.

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Relaxation Techniques*

W.One thousand. Whitehouse , ... M.T. Orne , in Encyclopedia of Stress (2nd Edition), 2007

Temperature Biofeedback

Thermal biofeedback is used to relay information near pare temperature to the patient. To reach relaxation, the patient is trained to increase the pare temperature of the hands and/or feet. The instrumentation tin be quite simple (east.grand., an outdoor thermometer taped to a finger or toe is usually adequate), making information technology convenient for patients to practice the technique at home. The physiological mechanism that supports the intended alterations in skin temperature is an increment in blood flow in the extremities, which opposes the usual sympathetic response to stress, involving peripheral vasoconstriction.

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Thermoregulation: From Basic Neuroscience to Clinical Neurology Part I

Daniel Gagnon , Craig G. Crandall , in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2018

Sweating onset and sensitivity

Since input from both cadre and peel temperatures modulates sweating, sweat product in humans is often analyzed equally a function of the change in mean body temperature; a weighted summation of core and skin temperatures calculated as ( Nadel et al., 1971a; Gisolfi and Wenger, 1984):

[equation 1] α × cadre temperature + i α × skin temperature ° C

The relationship between sweating and mean torso temperature is characterized past an initial flat portion followed by an onset threshold representing the mean body temperature at which sweating is activated (Fig. 13.4). Across the onset threshold, sweating increases linearly with the increase in hateful body temperature and the gradient of this linear portion represents the thermosensitivity of the response (Hammel, 1968; Cheuvront et al., 2009). This human relationship has often been used in humans to discriminate the influence of "central" (i.e., of neural origin) and "peripheral" (i.east., end-organ responsiveness) factors that attune sweating (Nadel et al., 1971b, 1974).

Fig. 13.4

Fig. 13.4. The relationship between sweat rate and changes in hateful body temperature in humans. (A) The relationship is characterized by an initial flat portion until a mean body temperature onset threshold is reached, beyond which sweating increases linearly with the modify in mean body temperature. The linear portion of the relationship represents the thermosensitivity of the response. Sweat rate somewhen reaches maximal levels, resulting in a plateau despite increasing hateful body temperature. (B) The relationship tin can be affected by a number of factors. For case, heat acclimation increases the thermosensitivity of sweating (#1); plasma hyperosmolality elevates the onset threshold of the response (#two), and; females display lower maximal sweat rates compared to males (#iii).

(Modified from Gagnon D, Kenny GP (2012b). Does sex activity have an independent issue on thermoeffector responses during practice in the heat? J Physiol 590: 5963–5973.)

Although the onset threshold and the thermosensitivity of the sweating response tin stand for a central and/or peripheral modulation of temperature regulation (Hammel, 1968), it has been suggested that changes in the onset threshold of all thermoeffector responses must occur to qualify every bit a central modulation (Gisolfi and Wenger, 1984). However, the onset threshold is affected by manipulations which exercise non exert any central effect. Specifically, local blockade of acetylcholine release from sympathetic cholinergic nerves via botulinum toxin assistants abolishes the onset threshold for sweating (Kellogg et al., 1995), whereas local inhibition of acetylcholinesterase lowers the sweating onset threshold (Shibasaki and Crandall, 2001). Changes in onset threshold are therefore a debatable indicator of central thermoregulatory activity.

A more than straight assessment of central thermoregulatory activity is to measure skin sympathetic nerve activity (Gagnon et al., 2016). To appraise peripheral adaptations of the sweating response, the postjunctional sensitivity of the sweat gland to pharmacologic agonists can be evaluated using a variety of methods, including intradermal injections (Collins et al., 1966; Kenney and Fowler, 1988; Inoue et al., 1999), iontophoresis (Buono and Sjoholm, 1988; Buono et al., 2008b, 2009), and intradermal microdialysis (Crandall et al., 2003; Davis et al., 2007; Kimura et al., 2007; Shibasaki et al., 2009b).

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